Schedule Pushbacks

An explanation of fields and properties

Schedule Pushbacks

To access this dialog:

  • Using the Optimization control bar, select Scheduler | Pushback File...

You can schedule either Studio NPVS-generated pushbacks (default) or another pit sequence, for example, imported pushbacks. With any pushback file you can use the default topography specified by Pit Optimizer settings or designate any other surface as topography.

If only default pushbacks are available for scheduling, this dialog is not displayed as the default pushbacks will be selected automatically.To access this dialog:

  • In the Report Options dialog, select a report item and select More options...

Field Details:

Default: select to schedule Studio NPVS-generated pushbacks with the topography specified by Pit Optimizer settings.

Other: select to schedule the pits chosen from the list of available indicator files below, or to use the topography other than the specified default.

Available pushback files: lists all the indicator files that can be scheduled.

Initial topography: lists all the surface-defining indicator files available.

Pit code: enter the code of the surface you wish to use as the topography. For example, if you wish to schedule Studio NPVS-generated pushbacks starting from Pushback 3, select the Pushback file as the Initial topography and enter a pit code of '3'.


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